It’s easy to tell someone to, “Be positive!”  But then we are often hurt and when hurt we cry and lament over all that went wrong! We are persistent in thinking about our failures; our minds do not leave those moments in our careers or relationships when things may not have worked out.

Where is positivity in all this? We find questions rushing at us from all sides.

Some may say:

“ Okay I feel good right now; I’m quite positive…but then I can’t escape feeling low about things, I just cannot be positive all the time.”

“ If I were perfect, I would never feel bad about myself.”

“ I never let down anybody, break any promises, hurt someone’s sentiments…then why did this happen?”

No one can be happy or sad all the time. To find an end to this tumultuous change, we have to accept ourselves. Acceptance is the awareness of all that is, as it is. The way to reconnect positively begins with sharing our thoughts and feelings…with a friend, a relative, a colleague, a teacher or a counselor.

Reach out and find the harmony within.