Do Musafir

Going for the Explorer’s Fellowship is one of the best decision we have made in our life. A wonderful journey with great experiences, not each of them was literally great, though. But still, we learned a lot. Some wrong decisions, some bad choices, some wrong roads made this journey a beautiful memory for the lifetime.

We started our journey on 7 may from Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. After visiting the Jaisalmer fort, museum and savoring the much-needed ice-creams, we headed to the desert. Initially, we were reluctant for camel riding but it turned out to be some real fun. It was mesmerizing to see the setting sun as it went past the horizon. We visited a few more places in Rajasthan, but the scorching heat made it difficult. We headed to north-India to experience the beautiful valleys as the toy train makes it’s way to Kangra. Our journey to Manali involved frequent speeding and too many curves. But all of this was worth it. We went on a trekking in Manali. In Delhi, we gained expertise on one of the most needed qualities – bargaining skills. After covering cities from north-east India, we reached Puri (Odisha). It was in Puri that we saw the sea for the first time in our life and the vastness of it just mesmerized us. That was one of the best days of this summer. The beaches of Puri were so happening. There was so much going on there, from camel rides to sand arts. We spent almost 3 hours bathing in the sea and got sunburn. That hurt for 2 days, we were not even able to sleep properly. After this came the longest train journey of the entire fellowship. It was from Bhubaneswar to Kanyakumari. We reached Kanyakumari in the morning and we’re greeted with an amazing weather and refreshing mild showers. After covering south-India, we went to Goa. The Goa Fort is built on the shore, this is one of the best places to go and spend some time alone. Our journey ended in Mumbai.

It was an amazing experience and gave us memories that will stay with us forever and also taught us lessons that will guide us throughout the longest journey that is life.



An actor-crooner exploring himself.





Badass, goodguy, artist at heart.
