find label
connect label

Figure 2

Data Source:

(All comments with reaction greater than zero from the top three posts containing the highest number of comments as on 24 March 2018- comment sample size 3000)

Context: These comments pertain to posts with three different subject matters and content.

  1. A status update posted in the early days of the page that clarifies the inspiration and aims of the page.
  2. A status update that apologises for a cyber hack on the page that posted lewd and abusive remarks about a popular male Malayalam actor.
  3. A status update a year after the page was published, thanking its supporters and taking stock of the progress it has attained with respect to its aims.

Data Collection Method: Facebook API and manual data collection

Data Coding: Anonymised codes/categories based on location, identifying the number of users (male and female), language used (Malayalam and English) and sentiments expressed (negative 0 to positive 5).

Analysis: It can be seen, when one zooms into the collection of pins pointing to the location based user denotations that

  • the number of male users far outweighs the number of female users
  • the number of comments in Malayalam are higher than those in English
  • there are two prominent comment clusters on the map that account for the majority of activity- Kerala and the Gulf.
  • seldom do the pins on either of these clusters depict a sentiment value of 5, which denotes high support for the page.
  • the pins in places in North America, Australia and other non-South East Asian regions show a sentiment value of 4 and/or 5.