The idea of a story is central to human communication. Storytelling is an ancient art and culture, going back in time to traditional modes starting with oral narratives to print forms, further in audio- visual mediums, to narratives in digital mediums. With the enhanced
intervention of soft- technologies and commercialized media spaces, stories have now entered as transmedia narrative experiences. We narrate stories on several levels, andwith the arrival ofdigital media technologies, the entire idea of storytelling is going through a paradigmatic shift.With storytelling becoming a conscious technique of effective communication in a digital civilization, a new brand of professionals called media influencers have risen who excel in the profession of brand building and are known story-creators for companies and organizations.
In South Asia and South East Asia storytellers have been an integral part, engineering civilizationalchanges. In India, storytellers have been an ancient class of knowledge experts combining an array of sages, seers, and cultural thinkers. With the innovations in digital media
technologies, storytellers in India are going to be relevantin the twenty-first century when equipped with effective knowledge of ethics as well as art of storytelling.
This course will focus on the concept of storytelling in digital world. The aim will be to introduce student to different genres of storytelling being developed in digital media spaces. While the course worksaround the understanding of storytelling as a traditional cultural art, the choice of genre will largely pertain to digital media – comprising texts, audio, and video stories that are produced in the digital spaces. The aim of the course is to celebrate the art of storytelling in itself.
1. To understand the concept of storytelling and identify its relevance in the contemporary times
2. Hands-on understanding of stories and their presentation in different digital formats
3. Identify the significance of language and communication in digital stories
4. Understanding responsibility and ethicswhile narrating stories in the digital medium
The course is divided into 5 modules, with different learning capsules in each module. The course will utilize content analysis andstory design/ storyboards asmethodsof study. The focus will be on analyzing, interpreting, as well as creating stories. The model of work is based on workshop models and interactive learning.
The topics listed below are designed according to the theme of each module. However, the class is planned to be flexible with customization of topics based on the interest/requirement of the students.
MODULE 1 (Week One-Week Two)
The Story of a Story Just Not “Once Upon a Time”
What is a Story? what is the art of storytelling? What is effective storytelling? Stories across
different mediums — narratives from oral to print to digital mediums; role of audience; aspects
of a story; role of listening
Travel stories and vlogging
Genres of stories:Short-stories, Memoirs, Life Writing, ConfessionalShort-films and OTT
Videos , Audio-books and game consoles as storytellingspace
Exercise: Learn to make effective Story-Pitches Discussion oforal stories.Narrate your own
story using story-pitch method Create a digital story-space (you may
MODULE 2 (Week Three-Six) Whose Story Is this? TransmediaTales
Science tales across different mediums Transmedia storytelling Adaptations in Digital Spaces
Problems in Storytelling; Vernacular versus English language on Google translator
Visualization of stories in digital media
Stories inVirtualReality:Use to get an immersive storytelling experience
Immersive narrative experience
Exercise: Word-building, Setting and Landscape, Storyboard
Exercise: David Attenborough’s Blue Earth and Planet Earth series
MODULE THREE (Week Six-Week Eight) A Picture Speaks a Thousand Tales
Language, ethics, and civility in digitalmedia
Experiencing a story
Journalism in the digital space: authentic/misinformation
Citizen journalism andWhatsApp story misinformation
Data and storytelling Apps
Game consoles as storytelling spaces
Blogs and micro-blogs
Exercise: Analyze Making of Avatar: Creating the World of Pandora and James Cameron’s
MODULE FOUR (Week Nine-Week Week Ten) Legends, Myths, and Folktales
Mythologies, Stories, and Legends on Digital
Realism versus Fantasy
Indian Tales on NewMediums
Exercise: Analyze Grant Morrison’s Eighteen Days
MODULE FIVE (Week Eleven-Week Twelve) New Storytellers
Audio-visual storytelling
Telling Impactful stories
Finding your voice/Presenting your own story
Exercise: Present your story in any effective digital medium Exercise: Design and present a
collaborative story effectively
- Studentswill learn aboutthe significance ofwriting in clear, concise, persuasive ways.
- Students will appreciate the significance of originality in content, voice and tone.
- Students will gain competence in being sensitive towards different audiences.
- Studentswill learn about creating anuancedapproach towards visual andverbal mediums.
- Students will learn about the relationship between culture and literature.
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